What do the #'s mean on the status screen when SNFServer is running?

  • m/min = messages per minute
  • SP = Spam Percentage
  • LR = Latest matching rule ID (fine grained indicator of rulebase freshness)
  • [0/13 / 0 ] (the slash spins clockwise here) = Messages last second / polling events last second (checking for messages to scan). The last number indicates the number of scan jobs queued up and not yet completed.
  • W = White events / min - Messages per minute that match spam rules but GBUdb forces through.
  • C = Caution events / min - Messages that did not match pattern rules but were blocked by GBUdb with the caution result based on IP statistics. The IP source is in the Caution range.
  • B = Black events / min - Messages that did not match pattern rules but were blocked by GBUdb with the black result based on IP statistics. The IP source is in the Black range.
  • T = Truncate events / min - Messages where the GBUdb halted the scan as soon as the source IP was identified because the IP has such bad statistics that it's not worth the extra CPU cycles to scan the rest of the message. The IP is bad enough statistically that we can be sure the message is spam based just on its source.
  • S = Samples / min - Virtual spamtrap activity. Messages that came from known spam sources but did not match pattern rules are sampled at random and sent to our virtual spam trap facility. (This feature can be turned off if desired).
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