I would like to set the SNF4SA plugin to connect to spamd/SNFServer. Would it be sufficient to edit snf4sa.pm on>"$self->{SNF_Host} = "localhost";"?

To do this, you need to solve two problems: In the snfXClmgr files (snfXCImgr.hpp, snfXCImgr.cpp) you will need to change how the listener starts in snfXCImgr::startup_Listener(). If you look at the CodeDweller source library for TCPListener there are two constructors. The one that is currently used accepts the local port. The other constructor accepts a SocketAddress. You need to use the second. The other problem you will need to solve is making the file accessible to SNFServer -- The XCI request only asks for the scan, it does not transmit the message.